Spinal Treatment, Chronic Pain, Chiropractic For Pregnant Women, Chiropractic For Seniors, Neck Pain, Accident Treatment, Shoulder Treatment, Joint Pain, Injury Treatment, Spinal Alignment, Chiropractors Dc, Family Chiropractic, Migraine, Chiropractic For Children, Low Back Pain, Chiropractic For Babies, Sciatica
Located at 5912 Hazeldean Road, Stittsville/Kanata, the leading health professionals at Moore Chiropactic Health Centre are dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness objective...more...See more text
Promotion in massage therapy: Your 1st appointment for a 60 minutes massage at 75$. Our services in massage therapy: Suedish massage, relaxation and therapeutic, californien massag...more...See more text
Master Reiki & Teacher, Crystals And Stones, Energy Healing, Certified TIME Healer, Certified Crystal Healer, Soft Medecine, Chakra Balancing
Joanne has extensive experience and qualifications in the following discplines:
rystal healing sessions
What is Crystal Healing?
(With HIBISCUS MOON CERTIFIED CRYSTAL H...more...See more text
Immumed work in concert with a collective inputting their expertise and 30+ years into the patient's therapeutic process. Immumed therapists are crossed trained in multiple therapi...more...See more text
Immumed work in concert with a collective inputting their expertise and 30+ years into the patient's therapeutic process. Immumed therapists are crossed trained in multiple therapi...more...See more text
Welcome to Reiki Associates, owned and operated by Denise Carpenter, located in the heart of beautiful Perth, Ontario.
Reiki is a proven method for releasing physical and emotional...more...See more text