The healing properties of broccoli and spinach

May 15, 2016

Did you know that broccoli and spinach have healing properties? Here is why you should eat more of these green vegetables as part of your diet.

The healing properties of broccoli and spinach


Broccoli is considered to be an anti-carcinogenic food par excellence, due to its sulfur compounds, including sulfurofane.

  • The sulfur compounds send a signal to the genes to increase the production of enzymes that detoxify carcinogens.
  • In addition, sulforafane destroys the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers.
  • As an excellent source of calcium and potassium, broccoli is good for bones and blood pressure.
  • Finally, it is rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene and therefore protects against cataracts and memory disorders caused by free radicals.
  • It is also a source of fibre and folate (vitamin B).

Tips for broccoli

  • To release the most sulforafane possible, steam the broccoli for three to four minutes. Do not boil, so as not to allow the nutrients to leach out.
  • While the florets contain particularly high levels of beta-carotene, the stems also contain many nutrients so don't throw them away.
  • The dark green, purple and blue florets are richer in beta-carotene and vitamin C than those that are yellowish or pale green.
  • Soft stems and flower buds are a sign of inferior quality.


In addition to containing carotenoids, which protect against macular degeneration, spinach is rich in vitamin K, a nutrient that preserves bone density and prevents fractures.

  • It is also a good source of potassium, magnesium and folate (a B vitamin), which all contribute to regulating blood pressure and, therefore, reducing the risk of a stroke (CVA).
  • Folate can drastically reduce the risk of lung cancer among former smokers.
  • Spinach also contains vitamins B2 (riboflavin), B6, C and K.

Tips for spinach

  • To increase calcium absorption from spinach, eat it with vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables, such as red pepper or orange slices.
  • The leaves and stems should be crisp and bright green, without yellowing or wilting.
  • Baby spinach has a much more delicate texture and flavour.
  • To clean the leaves, place them in a large bowl filled with water and stir them; the sand will sink to the bottom.
  • Pre-washed and packaged spinach lets you skip this step, but you must still rinse them.

Adding spinach and broccoli to a few of your favourite dishes is a great way to get some fantastic health benefits from these healthy vegetables.

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