Nutritional Counseling, Alternative Medicine, Back Pain, Natural Medicine, Prenatal Chiropractic, Chiropractor, Holistic Medicine, Chiropractic, Pregnancy Chiropractic, Chiropractic For Children, Cupping, Infertility Treatment, Chiropractic Clinic, Wellness Clinic, Pediatric Chiropractic, Infant Chiropractor, Acupuncturist, Acupuncture, Gentle Chiropractor, Chinese Medicine
At Oaktree Chiropractic & Acupuncture, we treat each and every patient like family. Our clinic in downtown Ottawa is a true testament to this, as it actually used to be the home o...more...See more text
Rendez-vous dans l'heure. Médecin sympathique, secrétaire joviale et hyper dynamique. Des gens qui aiment leur travail et ça paraît. Quinze minutes et j'étais repartie. Formidable !Read more
I'm one of Dr. Gorka's first patient (33 years ago and counting!) There's a reason I still have Dr. Gorka provide the care my body needs... Her excellent patient care, attention to detail and the mere fact she has put me back together so often over the many years! Front office staff is also very friendly! Its always a pleasure to make this visit but most of all is the great feeling of knowing I've received the best care!! Dr. Gorka cares for each of her patients as is so very evident!!! RobRead more