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Maple sugaring time is fast approaching! Enjoy some quality family time at a typical cabane à sucre, enjoying dishes like baked beans, eggs, pancakes, oreilles de crisse (a traditional Quebec dish consisting of deep-fried smoked pork jowls) ... and of course maple syrup. Where are the top sugar shacks near Montreal? This list will show you the way!
Although shamrocks and leprechauns aren’t the first things that come to mind when you think of Montreal, the Irish community actually does have a long history here. And lucky for us, this history continues at several outstanding Irish bars where we can enjoy a proper Guinness, some of the finest Irish whiskey, and a thoroughly satisfying Irish meal. Without further ado, here are some of the top Irish bars in the city.
Did you fall in love with Spain after a recent trip to Barcelona or Madrid? Don’t worry, you’re not alone, and luckily you don’t have to wait for your next trip to savour the flavours of Spain again. Montreal has several good places to eat that offer delicious Spanish dishes. Below we list the best!
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