Find businesses in Ecole Secondaire Roger-Comtois.
Business listings in Ecole Secondaire Roger-Comtois
YP Canada provides comprehensive directory information for in and around the Ecole Secondaire Roger-Comtois, Quebec area. With the most extensive business directory available in Canada, Yellow Pages gets you connected. If you live near Ecole Secondaire Roger-Comtois, discover the best independently reviewed companies by your home, with Yellow Pages Canada.
From April 12 to 24, gourmets and foodies of all kinds will flock to Quebec restaurants as part of the sixth edition of food festival Québec Exquis! 2016. For the occasion, 20 chefs are paired with 20 food producers to offer lunch menus ($20) and dinner menus ($40 or $50), balanced with Beaujolais wines. Here are the duos.
To take full advantage of the relaxing hours that weekends offer us, nothing beats an out-of-the-ordinary brunch. With carefully presented dishes and a menu that is sometimes refined, breakfast is about dressing nicely while enjoying a relaxed attitude.
Quebec City is full of good restaurants where it's nice to hold a business lunch. The environment is usually pretty quiet, which is ideal for work-related conversations. Here is a list of restaurants that you will love for their great food, discreet service and atmosphere.