Weeds growing in your path can be a real eyesore, especially if they spill over and start growing in your yard. To eliminate that problem, grow perennial plants between stones in a path.
June 19, 2015
Weeds growing in your path can be a real eyesore, especially if they spill over and start growing in your yard. To eliminate that problem, grow perennial plants between stones in a path.
To eliminate the problem of weeds spilling into your path, grow perennial plants between stones in a path. These plants can all tolerate some foot traffic: creeping thyme/mother-of-thyme, woolly thyme, carpet bugleweed/Ajuga reptans, creeping jenny/creeping charlie/moneywort, dead nettle/creeping lamium, blue star creeper, brass buttons, Mazus reptans and sedum.
Then take your list to a local nursery specialist who can walk you through the options best suited for your area. Also note how the plants grow and spread — to determine plant spacing and the number of plants you need to buy. Be sure to avoid plants that are considered invasive species in your area. You can find this list online or ask your local nursery specialist.It's difficult to grow anything in a trampled area. The soil gets so compacted that roots cannot deliver water and nutrients to the plant. Add good drainage as well as a layer of topsoil at least 2.5 centimetres (one inch) deep around the stones so your ground cover can thrive.Finally, help your new ground cover prosper with a weekly soaking (the plants need to stay moist) and a weekly hand weeding. And if you'd like to keep the plants short between the stones, consider varieties that tolerate mowing, such as thyme and ajuga.
1. Creeping thyme (mother-of-thyme)
Thymus serpyllum
Zones: 4 through 9 Height: 5 to 10 centimetres (two to four inches)
Plant spreads 30 centimetres (12 inches)
Full sun to shade
Withstands heavy traffic
2. Carpet bugleweed (ajuga)
Ajuga reptans
Zones: 3 through 9
Height: 10 to 15 centimetres (four to six inches)
Plant spreads 30 to 45 centimetres (12 to 18 inches)
Full sun to partial shade
Withstands moderate traffic
3. Creeping jenny (creeping charlie, moneywort)
Lysimachia nummularia
Zones: 4 through 8
Height: five to 10 centimetres (two to four inches)
Plant spreads 45 to 58 centimetres (18 to 23 inches)
Partial shade
Withstands moderate traffic
4. Dead nettle (creeping lamium)
Lamium maculatum
Zones: 4 through 8
Height: 15 to 20 centimetres (six to eight inches)
Plant spreads 45 to 58 centimetres (18 to 23 inches)
Partial to full shade
Withstands moderate traffic
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