Life insurance offers protection for assets and against liabilities, but specific needs and objectives vary depending on the insured person’s age. Here are some important life insurance considerations for retirees.
When you're hiring an in-home caregiver, start with this list of questions to ask to find the best person who'll treat your loved one like they would their own family.
If you have a conversation with your parents about a nursing home, handle the matter respectfully, acknowledge their point of view and give them space. Here are tips in handling the conversation.
It's a great idea to come up with new ways of making friends when you retire to spend all that extra free time with. Here are four tips on how to meet people after you retire.
As the population ages, health care providers will be increasingly in need to care for the elderly. Finding the right care option calls for careful evaluation of a parent's unique needs.
Retirement can be a welcome change for some, but it is also a big life adjustment. It's important to stay busy so the change isn't a shock. Here are some tips on how to stay busy in the early days of retirement to set yourself up for a long life of h
After you retire, you may find you are bored and have too much time on your hands. If you wish to get out and make new connections, here are some tips you can follow to make that easy.
If you're retiring shortly, are already in retirement or simply don't have the spare cash to build worthwhile savings, you'll need to find innovative ways of getting by
Life is perpetually busy no matter what your age, but as you move through your fifties, sixties, and beyond, time usually becomes more available. We'll share the benefits of spending that time productively and help point you towards your bliss.
Retirement usually means big changes, which can include downsizing and moving to a smaller home. Here are some tips for choosing and furnishing your retirement home for both convenience and safety.
An RRSP matures at the end of the year in which you turn 69, and with careful planning you could minimize how much tax you’ll have to pay on it. Here's how to get the most out of your RRSP.
In Canada, research shows that the average older family tries to make do with less than half the income of younger, working families. Avoid this by following some simple tips that will make planning for your retirement easier.
Considering moving to a new location for your retirement? Here are four of the most accommodating places to retire in Canada to jump-start your thinking.
If you want to have a conversation with your parents about a nursing home, it's important to do it respectfully and delicately. Here's how to get started.
Office productivity suffers when employees have to devote time to caring for elderly parents, especially if they're in poor health. Here's how employers can help.
Retirement as a time of decreased activity and watching the world go by is long gone. Don't resign yourself to the same old—plenty of other options are available.
Retirement comes with a host of changes, including more free time. One way to take advantage is to get out there and meet new people. Here are some tips on how.