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Business listings in Saint-Felix-de-Valois

Yellow Pages Canada maintains complete contact information for in and around the Saint-Felix-de-Valois, Quebec area. With the most extensive business database you can find in Canada, Yellow Pages will get you there quicker. If you live near Saint-Felix-de-Valois, find new independently reviewed businesses close to you, with Yellow Pages Canada.

You enjoy tasting seasonal produce all year round when going to the restaurant? Here are some of the great Montreal tables where you can enjoy a savoury bite, courtesy of Les Exquises blog.
Is cooking a chore for you? Or do you excel in the kitchen? Whether you’re an epicurean or not, a cooking class can do wonders to help you discover new flavours, improve your diet and raise your cooking game. Here are the places to perfect your technique in Montreal.
On Wednesday, October 21st, five Montreal restaurants invite you to sit down for a very special evening. Over 50 restaurants in 13 Canadian cities will participate in the "Restaurants for Change" campaign. Part or all of the proceeds generated from the event will be donated to food aid programs for the nation's disadvantaged communities. Book a table and make a difference. For more information, visit the official event page.

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