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Business listings in Orton

Yellow Pages Canada maintains complete business information listings for in and about the Orton, Ontario area. With the most extensive database of businesses found in Canada, Yellow will get you there quicker. If you’re near Orton, discover the best user-rated products and services by your home, with .

The Athletes' Village will be electric with the activity and excitement of thousands of athlete’s from around in the world, some in Toronto for the first time. Almost 7000 athletes from 41 countries will participate in 36 sports. So if you can’t catch an event but still want to be close to the action, head down to Athletes' Village.
Backyard patios in the city allow you to get away from the noise and the dust of the city and relax in a secluded spot that not everyone knows about.So sit back, relax, have a bite and a drink (or three) and settle in to the outdoors.
The Toronto International Film Festival - TIFF – is one of the busiest times for our great city. Celebrities touch down to promote their movies, while drinking and dining their way across town. Here’s where you’ll likely see some major stars:
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