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Business listings in Coquitlam
YP Canada provides full directory information for in and about the Coquitlam, British-Columbia region. With the most extensive business listings anywhere in Canada, Yellow is your Find Engine. If you’re near Coquitlam, discover the best independently reviewed products and services close to you, with Yellow Pages Canada.
You don’t need to leave the city to get a taste of traditional aboriginal art and cuisine – these restaurants, galleries, hotels and tours give visitors and locals a flavour of First Nations culture in Vancouver. Learn local legends as you discover another side to the city with an authentic aboriginal experience. [Image courtesy of the Museum of Anthropology]
Whether you are on a mission to find bulgur wheat, curry ketchup or packaged rose petals, Richmond is home to a number of specialty shops that sell unusual edible goodies you may not easily find elsewhere. Visiting these unique grocery stores can also feel like a mini vacation to a foreign land, and that’s always a bonus!
So, how are those New Year’s Resolutions holding up? There’s always time to get back on track and combine getting fit with saving money and helping out a charitable cause. Sign up for a community class at these caring fitness studios in Vancouver.