Life's Vision is the provincial pro-life educational resource centre in Manitoba.We present a united voice to bring about greater respect for the dignity and worth for all human beings from conception to natural death.History & PresentLife's Vision, previously League for Life in Manitoba Inc., began in the 1970s as the educational arm of the pro-life movement in Manitoba. Founded by a group of concerned men and women in response to the threat of legal abortion to human life, Life's Vision provides education and a voice for those opposed to all threats on the dignity of the human person.Today, the work of Life's Vision has expanded as new threats to human life have emerged. Euthanasi,a chemical abortion, reproductive technologies, fetal experimentation, and infanticide of newborn and handicapped infants threaten the dignity and life of the most vulnerable members of the human family.Life's Vision is committed to raising public awareness on life-affirming options, and speaking out on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves.Our MissionThe mission of Life's Vision is to:Contribute to the protection of life from the moment of conception to natural deathmore...See more text